Mox Boarding House tries to be as accurate as possible in all aspects of its pricing and product availability. However, Mox Boarding House does not guarantee that product listings, prices, descriptions, or available quantities are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free.

Unless otherwise noted, the price displayed for products on Mox Boarding House represents the current price for that product, not including any taxes or processing fees that may be required. We cannot confirm the availability or price of an item until you proceed to Checkout. At that point, the shopping cart will alert you if the product selected is not available. You will have the opportunity to select different product and quantities to remedy this before Checkout is completed. Despite our best efforts, sometimes an item in our catalog may not be available, the offer may have been misstated, or an item may be mispriced. For any of these reasons, we may cancel your order, or we may contact you for instructions on the order.